Iceland is back!
For the first time since 2019 four intrepid, fearless members of Highams Park staff took twenty six thrill seeking students on a breathtaking journey through the geysers, glaciers, waterfalls and ravines of Iceland. The puffin peopled Black sand beach and an afternoon spent in the glorious Blue Lagoon offered an incredible insight to a land just beginning and the travellers seemed to love every moment.
Yet there was also time to relax and unwind with evening meals and desserts often followed by coastal walks where the students impressed with their rock hopping skills and endless banter (and occasional football songs). A trip to a fully recycled house was an unexpected treat and reflected the ‘make do and mend’ culture of the environment. A trip to the local outdoor swimming pool on the last day provided opportunities for all to really kick back and enjoy themselves, which they clearly did by the sound of it, cuts and all.
Led by the calm, unflappable Ms McCallum and ably supported by the ever-present and immensely comforting Ms Gardner and the ever smiling and charismatic Mr Goldsworthy the students were effortlessly guided through an adventure that few will ever forget. Mr Mitchell tagged along, enjoying the incredible spectacle, getting away with it. It was a wonderful trip which brought out the very best in everyone, a real pleasure to be part of.
Mr Mitchell - English Teacher