Members role

The Members of an Academy Trust are the subscribers to the Trust’s Memorandum of Association, and any other individuals permitted to become Members under the Trust's Articles of Association. Members have an overview of the governance arrangements of the Trust and have the power to appoint Trustees and remove these Trustees.

The DFE guidance contained in the "Governance Handbook - January 2017" says the following about Members of a Trust. "As charitable companies limited by guarantee every trust has Members who have a similar role to the shareholders in a company limited by shares. Most notably they:

  • are signatories to the Articles of Association which includes definition of the Trusts’ charitable object and governance structure (where they are founding Members);
  • may, by special resolution, amend the Articles of Association, subject to any restrictions created by the Trust’s funding agreement or charity law;
  • may, by special resolution (which requires 75% rather than a simple majority of Members to agree) appoint new Members or remove existing Members other than, where there is one, the foundation/ sponsor body and any Members it has appointed; one, the foundation/ sponsor body and any Members it has appointed;
  • have power to appoint Trustees as set out in the Trust’s Articles of Association, and have power under the Companies Act to remove any or all serving Trustees;
  • may by special resolution issue direction to the Trustees to take a specific action;
  • appoint the Trust’s auditors and receive the Trust’s annual audited accounts; and
  • have power to change the name of the charitable company and ultimately, wind up the Academy Trust.

The list below shows the names of the current Members of the Highams Park Academy Trust.

Members of the Academy Trust

Name of Member Date appointed Appointed by
Mr Alan Benton 31/07/2011 Original (signatory) member
Mr Richard Hutchinson 01/01/2015 Academy members
Mr Steve Riches 12/12/2016 Academy members
Mr Mike Bunyan 01/02/2019 Academy members
Chair of the Board of Trustees Ex-Officio As per Articles of Association


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