Highams Park School

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Highams Park School - Strong 2024 Year 11 Results

I wish to draw your attention to the publicly available summer 2024 school performance data which has just been released on the gov.uk website: https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/

These results show just how much the school is continuing to improve: our average GCSE grade (attainment 8) is half a grade higher than the national average; our EBacc point score (average grade in EBacc subjects) is half a grade higher than the national average; the proportion of students achieving a grade 5 or above in both English and Maths is an incredible 10% higher than the national average and the all-important progress indicator (Progress 8) is also above national average and when we compare this indicator across all 17 secondary schools in Waltham Forest (see here) we rank as the third highest mixed comprehensive secondary school in the borough.

We are incredibly proud of our students' achievements and also of the hard work of all of our staff (teaching and support staff) that enable our students to achieve these excellent grades. These results and our belief that our progress will continue to improve over the coming years is further enhanced by strong parental support and the continual encouragement that parents offer to ensure their children attend school regularly, follow the school expectations for behaviour and attitude and that they complete all homework tasks on time. Thank you for this crucial part that you play in your child(ren)’s education.

Mr Hyde - Deputy Principal